Monday, August 4, 2008

Utah County

Utah county...

...where swerving in and out of the carpool lane like its an extra fast lane happens.

...where going 15 in a 35 and 75 in a 50 happens.

...where merging on I-15 at 45mph happens.

...where driving along the shoulder instead of merging into one lane so you can be three cars ahead at the light happens.

...where driving a car held together with duct tape and fishing line happens.

...where completely missing a green light happens.

...where three inches is enough space to pull your 2-ton pickup into the next lane happens (but only if you're in a hurry).

...where fitting six college kids into a 1982 Ford Pinto happens.

...where making me glad I live in Salt Lake happens.


Marcy in TX said...

Makes me glad my child that does live in Utah county doesn't have wheels! :)

Wendy said...

But remember when all of that seemed so normal?