Friday, September 12, 2008

Getting Lost

So I've heard that not everyone has the same healthy obsession with maps that I do. I've also heard that occasionally some people, especially when driving in unfamiliar neighborhoods, get lost. (to those who get lost in familiar neighborhoods.. well, I'm not sure what to say to you guys)

Now, before anyone gets upset, I have no problem with getting lost. I've even thought about maybe doing it sometime myself (although as a guy, I of course have an innate perfect sense of direction, kind of like a pigeon). However, I do have problems with what I'll call the 'obviously lost'. You may have met these people, they tend to slow down, stop, or even back up in the middle of the street. I'm guessing these people are looking for an address or a street.. I'll give them a hint, the houses are in order! Very rarely do builders throw numbers on houses or streets at random, well, except for the streets along Jefferson, but they're special cases.

Also, sometimes lanes end, merge together, or become left/right turn only. This may catch you off guard. My request, if you can't SAFELY avoid the merging/turning thing without endangering traffic PLEASE don't endanger traffic! It is ok to make a turn you didn't plan on and then turn around and get back on track. It is not ok to stop in the middle of the lane because you don't feel like merging/turning, really, I promise.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I like reading this because I know it's purely reactionary: that is, whatever I'm reading about most assuredly happened to you in the previous 1-5 hours. And it makes me happy to know that despite my departure from Utard, road rage isn't dead. --JewBait